Stripboard Planning Worksheet

Download: Stripboard Planning Worksheet I’ve been doing some in depth research on modular synthesizer and Eurorack module designs. As long…

Better Arduino Random Numbers

My path to finding better Arduino random numbers, started with wanting a bit of code to pick winning raffle ticket…

Snowbot Assembly Guide

This Snowbot Assembly Guide will help you put together the Rheingold Heavy Holiday Project: The 2015 Snowbot Rev1. Snowbot Assembly:…

Snowbot Ornament Project

It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the Rheingold Heavy Holiday Project: The 2015 Snowbot Rev1. Snowbot Project…

HP QDSP6064 Bubble Display

The nostalgia is strong with this one, reminding me of innumerable calculators I had as a kid growing up, so…

Bypass Capacitors

Your integrated circuits are not ideal switches that go merrily high or low without causing disturbances in the force when…

MicroView Widget Style Guide

This is a visual guide for the various MicroView widget styles that are part of the MicroView Library. Please note…

Education Shield Display Board

One of my design requirements for the I2C and SPI Education Shield was to make it expandable, and the first…
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