
Better Arduino Random Numbers

My path to finding better Arduino random numbers, started with wanting a bit of code to pick winning raffle ticket…

How To Read A Datasheet

Datasheets are the Rosetta Stone for your electronics projects, and unless you happen to understand the electronic equivalent of Greek,…

Timing Diagram Basics

Each component you will encounter that communicates over a serial connection, will require understanding the timing of those interactions. Timing…

Bypass Capacitors

Your integrated circuits are not ideal switches that go merrily high or low without causing disturbances in the force when…

Make your own DIY Optoisolator

[mathjax][/mathjax]An optoisolator is used to electrically isolate one part of a circuit from another. Say you’ve got a noisy part…

Measuring a Photoresistor Circuit

[mathjax][/mathjax] A light dependent resistor (LDR), a photoresistor, changes it’s resistance depending on the amount of light that hits the…
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