Stripboard Planning Worksheet16 Sep 2021Download: Stripboard Planning Worksheet I’ve been doing some in depth research on modular synthesizer and Eurorack module designs. As long…
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Calculator16 Aug 2021This calculator can be used with an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor. The sensor uses high frequency audio to measure the…
Better Arduino Random Numbers16 Jan 2020My path to finding better Arduino random numbers, started with wanting a bit of code to pick winning raffle ticket…
Rapid PCB Prototyping with the Othermill13 Apr 2016The phrase “failing fast” is commonly associated with software. With hardware, short of paying a huge premium for quick turns…
The Sweet Soldering Soundtrack16 Jul 2015The Man who does not solder to music, is the Man who has not lived. — Abraham Lincoln It stings…
Bypass Capacitors20 Oct 2014Your integrated circuits are not ideal switches that go merrily high or low without causing disturbances in the force when…
SparkFun MicroView Review … a microreview?10 Oct 2014In April-2014, I backed the SparkFun MicroView, developed by Geek Ammo on Kickstarter. I’ve grown out of my “oooo shiny!”…
MicroView Widget Style Guide10 Oct 2014This is a visual guide for the various MicroView widget styles that are part of the MicroView Library. Please note…
Building things with NPN transistors…26 Aug 2014[mathjax][/mathjax]I’ve spent the last three days writing up a notebook entry that attempted to cover the basics of transistor theory,…
Circuit Noise Control with DIY Optoisolator18 Aug 2014[mathjax][/mathjax] The whole point of the optoisolator is to help electrically isolate one part of your circuit from another. I…